The scientific papers presented for publication have to fully correspond with the topics of the Conference, have to reflect the results of the research carried out personally by the authors, be original, topical and have the scientific novelty. English papers have to be written correctly.
The scientific papers are submitted by filling in the form on this site in the section “Registration” in the format doc/ docx in the fixed terms by the Organizing Committee and formatted according to the template of the journal (if there is a necessity in ordering extra services from the Organizing Committee concerning the formatting the paper according to the template or the translation of the paper into English, the file of the paper is attached in the format of doc/ docx). 
Each paper is submitting separately.Listeners or accompanying persons must also register in the "Registration" section by choosing the appropriate participation form.
We also draw the attention to the fact that some journals require filling in the separate form directly on the site of the publishing house as well as attaching the file of the paper. The specific requirements of the publishing houses are described below for each journal separately.
Please pay attention to the additional documents that the author must fill and send them to the Organizing Committee!
Also, we draw your attention to the fact that all articles will be checked in a plagiarism tool and any ethical misconduct will be considered very seriouslyby publishers, articles that do not pass the test will be rejected by the publisher after the conference organizers have accepted the articles. In this case, the registration fee for the conference is non-refundable!
The authors are responsible for presenting an original paper for the publication, which has not been published earlier and is not being reviewed now by other publication committees.
When writing articles, it is necessary to be guided by the basic requirements for international scientific publications, since the international Scopus and WoS databases independently decide on the indexing of each individual article. The publisher of the journal and the Organizing Committee of the conference do not affect the decision of international databases on indexing a particular article.
Basic requirements for articles:
  • The amount of the authors should not exceed three people.
  • The maximum amount of the papers presented by the same author is two.
  • The size o f the paper: 5-9 pages.
  • The definition of the pictures: not less than 300 dpi.
  • Self-citation should not exceed 30%.
  • Only the articles cited in the text can be included in the References which are recommended to have from 20 to 30 references (the numeration is successive in the text and references according to the mentioning). While presenting the results of the research and referencing, it is not allowed to use educational and educational-methodological literture, manuscripts (dissertations and author’s abstracts of dissertations). It is important to bear in mind that Referneces is one of the most important parts of the paper. You should demonstate your competence in your area and its main authors and works. At the same time you should not refer to all the possible materials, but only to those ones which are strictly connected with your topic. The mentioned documents have to be relatively recent, topical and easily accessible. It is desirable that the documents should be available via the Internet. The references should be presented in the order of mentioning.
  • Nowadays foreign journals require that the conference should be highly internationlized. That is why we are asking you to include your foreign colleagues as co-authors of the paper!
Articles should be typed in the template of the corresponding journal:
Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Materials Science, Formative Technologies and Equipment 2025"(ICMSSTE 2025) - a journal in Russian, indexed in the scientometric database of elibrary.ru. The journal publishes articles on all topics of the conference.
  • The text is typed in free form, taking into account the general requirements for publications of the RSCI (the organizing committee takes care of the final layout and formatting of articles in the form of this journal)

The additional documents and scan-copies of which are necessary either to be sent not later than 15th of May 2025 to the Organizing Committee (we are asking to indicate the identification number of the paper), or, if they are available, to be attached during the paper registration:

  1. The expert’s report concerning the possibility of publishing the paper in the open access (according to the form adopted in the affiliated organization of the authors).
  2. The consent to the personal data processing. The order of processing and storing the personal data is stated in the offer agreement.
  3. The translation of the paper into Russian (formatting is not required).
  4. Two reviews (at least one review has to be external) – for English articles they should be done in English..
The papers must have the following elements:
  1. The statement of the issue in general and its connection to important scientific and practical tasks;
  2. The analysis of the latest achievements and publications, which have started solving this problem, the singling out earlier unsolved parts of the general issue, which this paper is dedicated;
  3. Formulation of the objective and setting the tasks of the research;
  4. Presentation of the main research material with the full explanation of the obtained scientific results, formulation of the recommendations;
  5. The conclusions to the given research and the perspectives of the further development of this area.
The results presented in the paper have to be grounded with the hepl of this or that scientific instrument: by mathematical development, experimentally, by mathematecal modelling, etc. so that the result could be considered reliable. The materials containing only description of hypotheses or unreliable offers are not accepted.
The paper should present a complete cycle of the integral research, i.e. it has to be opened with the setting of the task, and closed with the trustworthy solution to this task. The papers, containing only plans and ideas of solving the tasks are not published. The ideas have to be developed up to the level of the law, regularity, dependency of model, method, algorithm, etc. It is necessary to prove the validity of the idea, its adequacy and usefulness. The results presented in the paper have to be formulated as scientific regulations, clearly defining the essence of the contribution to the science.